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SCCL is an independent organisation and registered charity,run by unpaid volunteers drawn from the local community. Day to day running costs and future development revenues are generated by donations, membership subscriptions, hire of facilities, and supply of services

We are grateful to Waltham Forest Council for the initial supply of books and equipment, and subsequent ward funding, financial support for the Job Club, and for funding the IT equipment used for Silver Surfers' Training Courses and by other library users. 

Where to find us

265 Chingford Mount Road, London, E4 8LP

We are located in an arcade of shops between the Well pharmacy and Benjamin Pharmacy, directly opposite Barclays Bank, about 25 metres south of the main Chingford Mount Traffic lights.

view of SCCL location from the Chingford Mount   traffic lights (corner of Chingford Mount Road   and New Road)

London bus routes 97, 158, 215, 357, 385, 397 & N26 pass the door. 

Virtual Tour

See our facilities and what events take place in the library.


The tour may also be viewed on YouTube

website last updated: 20 October 2024

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SCCL is an independent organisation and registered charity,run by unpaid volunteers drawn from the local community. Day to day running costs and future development revenues are generated by donations, membership subscriptions, hire of facilities, and supply of services

We are grateful to Waltham Forest Council for the initial supply of books and equipment, and subsequent ward funding, financial support for the Job Club, and for funding the IT equipment used for Silver Surfers' Training Courses and by other library users. 

Where to find us

265 Chingford Mount Road, London, E4 8LP

We are located in an arcade of shops between the Well pharmacy and Benjamin Pharmacy, directly opposite Barclays Bank, about 25 metres south of the main Chingford Mount Traffic lights.

view of SCCL location from the Chingford Mount   traffic lights (corner of Chingford Mount Road   and New Road)

London bus routes 97, 158, 215, 357, 385, 397 & N26 pass the door. 

Virtual Tour

See our facilities and what events take place in the library.


The tour may also be viewed on YouTube

website last updated: 20 October 2024

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